Copy of Me

Biomaterial donor marketplace for conceiving a child


To date, the CIS donor market does not have a single database of biomaterial donors for conceiving a child.

The Cope of Me web platform founders, with our help, created a special marketplace. Now people are able to select a donor uitable for the birth of a child by a variety of characteristics. The service will unite the databases of questionnaires from Belarus and Russia, and in the future - from the whole world.

Who will use it?

In the course of work on the project, we identified three user roles - the client, the bank and the service administrator. For each role, a number of user scenarios were defined and after working them out, we got down to create the user interface.

Donor Catalog

Together with Copy of Me, we created a convenient interface for donor selection. Each donor has a card with the description of his appearance and main characteristics.

Donor photos should not be visible - these are personal data, so the neural network integrated by our team processes them and selects an avatar that matches the appearance. This will make it easier for service customers to navigate.

Donor page

Each donor has a detailed questionnaire, which includes information about the donor's life, diseases, career, as well as about the next of kin. This information will allow you to make a conscious choice.

Consultation with the bank

If a client has any questions for the bank or the Copy of Me support desk, he can write to the chat developed by us.

Biomaterial bank

Using the donor management interface, the bank specialist adds the required type of biomaterial, the number of sperm and oocyte portions, and also manages the costs.


The platform administrator reviews the applications received from banks, discusses the terms of cooperation and then make the decision to add the bank to the platform.

Mobile version

For customers convenience, a mobile version which is not inferior to the desktop one in functionality has been developed.


The owners of Copy of Me actively involve banks in cooperation and the donor catalog is updated every day with dozens of new profiles.


The project team

James Akwuh
1 project manager
4 engineers
1 business analyst
1 QA Engineer
2 UX/UI designers

Let’s create another excellent IT product!

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