Unique digital Astuvet platform

The platform for astute vets, nurses, and students
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About the project

Astucorp — are healthcare, marketing and digital professionals. They came to us with the idea to create the Astuvet platform for veterinary specialists which will collect the most important and relevant information for everyday clinical practice.

The aim

The platform is designed to solve the problem of knowledge exchange in the veterinary community, as well as to provide a convenient marketplace for manufacturers of medicines and pet products.

Поисковая система

Благодаря поисковой системе платформа обеспечивает ветеринарам быстрый доступ
ко всему, что им необходимо.

Product catalog

The veterinarian can order the required medication or other product directly through the platform. A number of filters allow to customize the search results and easily find the desired product.

Product page

The product page has a detailed description of its characteristics, customer reviews and manufacturer ratings. To increase the sales, the system offers the products that are potentially interesting for the buyer.


When prescribing treatmen, it is extremely important not to be mistaken with the dosage of the medication. For this, we have made a special calculator, with the help of which veterinarians are able to select the correct dosage based on the diagnosis and weight of the animal.

In addition, we have added converters for blood, weight, temperature and a number of other parameters. During the conversion process, the system shows the optimal values ​​depending on the type of animal.

Consultation mode

A special mode, the interface of which allows to make the consultation of pet owners more transparent and informative. The veterinarian will be able to convey the essence of the problem to his client more clearly , which will have a positive effect on the treatment process.

Consulting materials include articles, photos and videos with 3D models. Creating 3D content is not our profile, but having good experience in hiring specialists, we quickly found a modeler and set up the production of video clips and 3D models.

For laboratories

A lab account allows lab staff to add new products to the catalog, track user feedback on products, and respond on behalf of their company.

AstuTV и AstuEdu

 AstuTV is a section of the site that contains animal videos. These are news about animals, educational videos or just funny videos with cats. 
AstuEdu collected training materials for veterinarians, and the community members can post announcements of ongoing webinars and web conferences.

Chat Mattermost

 We have integrated the Mattermost chat for communication on the platform.  It allows you to exchange messages and documents, comment on publications, create public and private channels, and set personal notifications for new messages and user mentions.

Design system

We worked on individual elements and assembled a design interface system for light and dark modes.


At the moment the Astuvet platform is entering the national market and continues to actively develop with our help.



The project team

James Akwuh
1 project manager
4 engineers
1 business analyst
1 QA Engineer
2 UX/UI designers

Let’s create another excellent IT product!

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